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Today's post is brought to you by the letter "S" |
Just like 70 million other people, we watched the U.S. presidential debate this past
Wednesday night. I caught the first half hour on NPR while driving home,
and joined Mrs. Ad Majorem watching the rest on ABC News. Before leaving
work I checked Twitter to see what hashtags would be in circulation, because of
course I expected to participate in the national conversation.
A #debate about
My unscientific
sample of tweeps, political consultants and other citizens led me to believe
that #debate would be the default hashtag for most people. Some put
#Debate2012 or some variation. Others with an agenda put hashtags
supporting their candidate. But #debate seemed like a good one.
Watching on TV,
however, I noticed that ABC was encouraging the hashtag #debates – the
plural. Why not just #debate? You’ve only got 140 characters, why
use one of them on a vestigial “S”?
Look at that
S-car go!
It turns out that ABC News was following Twitter's lead. According to a Twitter blog post, they declared #debates as the official hashtag.
It had never occurred to me to check and see what Twitter was pushing. My normal procedure is to check and see what people are doing.
It's not hard to imagine that Twitter has an internal team working on this series of
debates: producers, editors, journalists and social media
experts. They may be “the debates group” or they may just tell people,
“We work on coverage of the debates.” Sitting around the conference room
table, it would be easy to agree on #debates as a hashtag.
The Twitterverse looked at it differently, however. No one watching at home was thinking about a series of
debates. This was the big night everyone in the U.S. had anticipated for weeks. The social media commentary was about what happened that very night.
Put another way, I don't think anyone imagined #SaveBigBird.
Maybe Twitter wanted something trackable. I give them credit for not using #TwitterDebates -- you know, something
“branded”. Still, pushing an "official" hashtag reflects the mindset of an Old Media company used to broadcasting and big numbers. Social Media works differently. The
relevant measure might be share of conversation, or the number of conversations
in which they participated.
Watch and Learn
In the end this
is a mental exercise. Watch what is happening around you, and game it
out. Learn from what others do. In this case the lesson is: Not even Twitter can control its own conversation. Try to swim with the tide, perhaps influence it, but don't imagine you can
control or measure it according to some standard of Ye Olde Marketing.
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